Державний політехнічний музей

Some issues in forming of the scientific and pedagogic composition of Lviv Polytechnic Institute in 60s– 80s of XX century

Anna Gelesh

Abstract— Based on the analysis of published and archival materials the article provides main issues of structural reforms and forming a part of the teaching staff at Lviv Polytechnic Institute that was impacted by scientific and technological revolution. In the second half of the twentieth century, according to the needs of economy, research and other institutions and businesses, increased the demand for training of researchers. Under these circumstances the 60-80th years of the twentieth century were distinguished by fast quantitative and qualitative development of the Institute. There were new faculties established and new trends in students training set. The number of students was growing and so was the number of lecturers. Research work of Lviv Polytechnic Institute that was conducted in many fields of science and technology got the intensive development.

Key words: research work, Lviv Polytechnic Institute, scientific and technological revolution, forming composition of the teaching staff

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