Genesis of constructions of the hand looms (to the question of analysis)
Marharyta Tyshchuk
Abstract— The paper deals with the analysis of genesis of constructions of hand looms based on the materials of the expedition to the territory of Ukrainian Polissya. The most distinguished examples of the hand looms from Volyn' and Rivnenschyna are used, the relation of the process of their improvement with models of horizontal and vertical types is investigated. For the explanation of the genesis of improvement of loom construction was used considerable amount of special terms, which expose and broaden comprehension of their arrangement. To get enough data on the issue different methods of research were used: general scientific, interdisciplinary, proper historical, chronological and historiographical. The link of loom production and prevailing for the given territory types of forest vegetation is shown.
Key words: genesis, construction, loom, Volyniya, Rivnenschyna, methods of research