Державний політехнічний музей

On fantasies, guesses and unreliable information in the publications of the Russian and Ukrainian historians about the genial designer B. G. Loutzky

Alexander Firsov

Abstract— This article analyzes the publications of the Russian and Ukrainian historians about B.G. Loutzky, the genius designer and inventor in terms of reliability of available information. It was found that all publications contained some facts about history of his life and work which were distorted and not always correct. Some publications contain guesses and fantasies. The purpose of the article is to refute false information and inaccurate facts of B.G. Loutzky�s life and activity found in many publications and electronic media in Russia and Ukraine. It was found that in the media and on the Internet there were many articles on B.G. Loutzky where the truth was mixed with fiction and speculation. The authors of these articles citing untrue publications of historians present the misleading information about B.G. Loutzky as the truth. To avoid the duplication of errors when using the information in the publications of other authors it is recommended to all historians to double-check it, even if it is formally confirmed by reference to the source. Information should be checked even if the authors are well-known and respected historians. Unfortunately, no one is immune from mistakes.

Key words: Boris Loutzky, designer, inventor, publication, unreliable information

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