Activity of the Astronomic observatory of the Kyiv University of Saint Volodymyr in 1845―1870
Sergiy Salata
Abstract— In this article the activity of the Astronomic observatory of the Kyiv University of Saint Volodymyr (now — The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv) under the guidance of V. F. Fedorov and A. P. Shidlovskii is described. It is marked that V. F. Fedorov cared of rigging of observatory astronomic devices and collecting of the unique library. It is shown that V.F. Fedorov was taking care of providing the scientific staff for the observatory. During his directorships there were working the following scientists: astronomer‐observer K. S. Polukhtovic whose introduction of new instruments gave a stimulus to active work of the observatory; astronomer‐observer V. K. Pilipenko, who made some devises himself, The assistant professor I. I. Fedorenko lectured the courses of astronomy and geodesy and conducted the practical reading with students. V. F. Fedorov began the regular observations of eclipses of the sun. The role of the outstanding scientist‐astronomer A. P. Shidlovskii as director of observatory is exposed. In particular, during his directorship a reconstruction of the observatory was made and the new pavilion was constructed for refractor, the new astronomic equipment was purchased, regular astronomic observations started using the renewed refractor, large arcade instrument, and on the portable Repsold’s vertical circle. The activity of astronomers‐observers O. I. Hromadskii and I. A. Vostokov is shown.
Key words: astronomy, theoretical astronomy, astrophysics, observatory, pedagogical activity, St. Vladimir’s University