Державний політехнічний музей

Issue 21 - Contents

Study of history of technology
Eugene Vdovychenko
Formation of the Russian Empire Black Sea Submarine Fleet before the First World War
Technical achievements of the past
Irene Pistolenko
The contribution of the designer, inventor P. I. Ivensen to development of aircraft, space?rocket and other branches of technique
Engineering science and education
GL Zvonkova
The academic science of Ukraine: excursus to 1960-1980
Yulia Ovcharenko
Foreign relations of PTILT in the 60 - 80-ies of XX century
Ihor Mikulionok
NTUU "KPI" scientific and educational school of processes and equipment for production and processing of polymers, plastic and rubber mixtures
Evolution of ideas
Antonina Ferchuk
Sweet making master-hand Cherikovski Mykola Vasylyovych
History of industries and enterprises
Andriy Kharuk
Some aspects of early period of activity O.K. Antonov's experimental design bureau
Scientific societies and schools
Maryna Gutnyk, Oleg Morachkovskij
Mechanics in National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute". Scientific backlog by Anatoly Burlakov
Andrew Larin
Historiography in the studies of development of the theory of mechanical vibrations
Eva Philipovych
The forgotten director of our "Vodnik"
Prominent scientists and engineers
Mykhaylo Ilchenko
The outstanding designer of engines Ivan Koval
Alexander Firsov
Unknown and little?known facts about the life and work of engineer Boris Loutzoy: to the 150-th anniversary of birth


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