Державний політехнічний музей

From the history of the development of the passenger transit river fleet in Ukraine (1944-1960)

Andriy Tsiupa

Abstract— This article is dedicated to characterising the development of the passenger transit river fleet in Ukraine, in the post-war period (1944-1960) based on the example of Dnieper River steam navigation.In the article peculiarities of individual ships are analysed, as well as the increment of the number of passenger transportations, specifically through the introduction into operation of new passenger ships, where the first ships were produced at the Leninska Kuznya factory (Project number 737). It is also mentioned in the article, the role of the captains who were the first to use these new ships, who studied their characteristics through practice and later became mentors to numerous Dnieper River navigators whom used these new types of ship. The conclusion is made that the Leninska Kuznya factory and the ship-repair and ship building yard in Kyiv made a valuable contribution to the creation and maintenance of this new generation of passenger ships. As a result, not only were the number of passenger seats increased but also the comfort of passenger transportation was improved.

Key words: Ukraine, ship, passenger river fleet, Leonid Chubarev,Volodymir Zagorod’ko

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