Ukrainian agrochemical and agricultural preferences of the railway engineer Prince O. S. Kudashev in 1903-1908
Viktor Verhunov
Abstract— For the first time so far unexplored page of the creative heritage of Prince Olexander Kudashev for the development of agro-chemical, soil science and agricultural research in the Ukraine in 1903-1908 is presented, first of all, through the establishment first in 1904 and then in 1908 the appropriate laboratories in Kyiv at his own expense. His experiments were based on the analysis of the 62 soil samples from 11 provinces in 1903–1904 and 49 soil samples from 17 provinces of the chernozem zone of the Russian Empire in 1906. They were done under the order respectively Networks of the experimental fields of the Russian Society Sugar Manufacturers and laboratory general agriculture Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The researcher demonstrated the suitability of oxalic drawing to determine the assimilation by plants phosphoric acid from west to east that influenced the level of productivity of field-grown plants. The Prince O. Kudashev’s separate studies have proved the effectiveness of ridge plowing of steppe zone of the country. A list of scientific papers of Prince O. Kudashev on agricultural chemistry and agriculture is contained.
Key words: chemical laboratory for soil investigations; Prince Olexander Kudashev, phosphoric acid, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, soil cultivation, laboratory of general agriculture, fire safety inspector of the Kiev rural council..