Державний політехнічний музей

Use of automated control systems at enterprises of Kharkiv tractor‐building complex (1970‐1980)

Natalya Pysarska

Abstract— In the article the main directions of the activity of the enterprises of the Kharkov tractor‐building complex for the introduction into the production of automated control systems (ACS) and computers are considered. The reasons that did not allow full use of existing computers in enterprises were identified. Attention was accentuated on the importance of automation of production, as the main prospect for the further development of the tractor‐building complex. The number of computers in the enterprises and in which they are in the state has been clarified and examined in detail. The main focus was on staffing the manufacturing of products with ACS using. The influence of the automated control systems and computers on improving the quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of the enterprises of the tractor‐building complex of the Kharkiv region was established.

Key words: Kharkov tractor building complex, automated control systems, electronic computers, staffing, production efficiency

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