Державний політехнічний музей

Technical requirements

The primary language of the Journal is Ukrainian. Papers in English and Russian are acceptable.

The recommended volume of a paper – up to 20,000 symbols.

The author should select and place the UDC (УДК) index, the names and initials of authors, the title of the paper and some additional information according to the following list:

UDC (УДК) index
Title in Ukrainian
Author(s) information in Ukrainian, i.e. "Name Surname (Institution, email), …"
Title in English
Author(s) information in English, i.e. "[Dr.] Name Surname (Institution, email), …"
Title in Russian
Author(s) information in Russian, i.e. "Name Surname (Institution, email), …"
Abstract in Ukrainian
Abstract in English
Abstract in Russian
Main text
Reference list according to Ukrainian National Standard (ДСТУ 7.1:2006)
Reference list using Latin character set according to Scopus requirements
Author(s) bionote(s), Full name, degree, position, institution, field of scientific activity, etc.
Optional: List of previous publications of the author(s).

List of references (in order of appearance in the text) should follow the main text in language of sources and formatted according to Ukrainian National Standard (ДСТУ 7.1:2006).

Please submit your papers as a file by e-mail (CD, DVD and USB Flash are also acceptable).

File Format: Rich Text Format *.RTF (supported by OpenOffice and MS Word) MS Word *.DOC, *.DOCX version up to 2010.

Font: Times New Roman (for body text), Symbol (for special characters and Greek letters)

File name should contain only latin letters, numbers, characters, underscores and minus.

Graphic should be added in a raster or vector format as separate files (one picture - one file). Files should be named by numbers corresponding to numbers of pictures as mentioned in the paper. (Eg 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, ...)

Specifications for the images:

  Photos Drawings, diagrams, charts, graphs
only raster raster vector
File formats TIFF
PSD version up to 9
PSD version up to 9
AI version up to 8
DXF version up to 2004
Resolution Not less 150dpi Not less 300dpi
Color mode RGB (24bit)
Grayscale (8bit)
RGB (24bit)
Grayscale (8bit)
Bitmap (Black/White)
Indexed Color
RGB (24bit)
Grayscale (8bit)
Bitmap (Black/White)
Indexed Color
No Color
Additional requirements Getting the desired resolution by upscaling the image does not make any sense The text should be converted to outlines
Maps and reproduction of documents should be of sufficient size to text and inscriptions remain legible with the naked eye without the stress. Third-party labels and captions on the photos (site addresses, etc.) are not allowed

Graphics made by means of Microsoft Office / Microsoft Word will not be accepted