Державний політехнічний музей

History of technology in context of genetic coevolution of natural and anthropogenic systems

Vasyl Shynkarenko

Abstract— The place, value and problems of history of technology, proceeding from the interconnected evolutionary processes which take place in the nature, society and in technology are analyzed. The key role of heredity system laws, which provide continuous structural and information communication between the historical past and the future through the present, is specified. With the example of technical �lectromechanics it is shown that its history is the integral component of genetically organized process of evolution which is technically realized by a person according to genetic programs of the structural organization of electromechanical objects. In this paper author analyzes the fundamental nature of the genetic information, which material carriers are historically defined technological objects, museum pieces, technical documentation, patents, etc. The concrete examples prove the interrelation between the historical research and genetic programs at both macro- and micro-levels and technology of genetic foresight of new classes of technical objects. Author pays attention to the need of transition from the concept of isolation and self-sufficiency of the historical past to the strategy of predicted and harmonized coevolution of the human, nature and technology. The need for the organization of research within the new scientific direction "genetic history of technology" is proved.

Key words: history of technology, technical evolution, structure, genetic information, generating periodic system of elements, genetic program, methodology, genetic foresight, synthesis, evolutionary experiment, genetic history of technology

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