Державний політехнічний музей

Railway construction in the Russian Empire (1836―1917): the origin and development

Оleg Strelko

Abstract— The history of railway construction in the Russian Empire, including Ukraine, is both interesting and enlightening. However, railway construction is the main direction of the industrial revolution in transport, a significant accelerator of economic development and overall socio‐economic modernization of society. The article deals with the origins and development of railway construction in the Russian Empire during the 1836—1917. It has been shown the contribution of outstanding engineers and scientists many of whom originate from Ukrainian lands, to the development of railway sector. It has been highlighted the role of F. A. Gerstner and P. P. Melnikov as the founders of railway construction in our country. It has been proved an exceptionally decisive role of the Institute for Railway Transport Engineers Corps (St. Petersburg) in railway policy formation in the Russian Empire. It is described a brief history of the railway network formation and development in Ukraine.

Key words: railway transport, means of communication, railway construction

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